Sunday, March 23, 2008

Juice Feasting Day 23!!!

this is where i desire to be really soon.  camping & hiking up the coast for a little nature get away.  all i want to do is roll around in the earth and feel the sun shining all over my body, hear the oceans rhythm and make wishes upon the stars.  
as i sit here tonight typing this blog i am looking at the big full moon.  it is a beautiful light yellow color.  i feel it....
i am enjoying nature to the fullest and all of the beauty it shares.

juice feasting is flowing along very nicely.  enjoying the ritual part of it everyday.  making the 4 quarts a day has become a breeze.  the types of juices that are coming together are turning out really good.  a favorite the past two days.....ROMAINE, CUCUMBER, CELERY, LEMON, GARLIC, RED BELL PEPPER, & LOTS OF CILANTRO with some kelp & cayanne.

a shift of where the produce is coming from will happen this week.  i have decided to 
GO LOCAL with the JUICE FEASTING JOURNEY and gather up all of the produce i possibly can from the local organic farmers i am surrounded by.  i am done picking up cases from the co-op when i can get perfectly GREAT produce from farmers market down the street.  makes sense right?

a detox reaction i had last night REALLY SURPRISED me.....wanna hear it????  of course you do or you would not be reading this right?

well i was at work and i kept smelling a strong cigarette oder following me, for a while i could not place the smell.  then about 30 minutes into the pondering i looked down at my right hand and fingers and smelt them and that is the smell....tar or nicotine coming out of my fingers!!!!  it was coming right out of the cracks of my first 3 fingers!!!  i had to run to my co-worker just to get confirmation that this is really happening!!!  he confirmed it and looked at what was happening in amazement!  i quite smoking August 11th of last year and i went 3 years smoking cigarettes.  my body is really cleaning house right now!!!

so that was really exciting to see.  a sign, this is worth it!!! MY BODY LOVES ME!!!!

i am going to end this blog for tonight.  i can't wait to pick up the new book i am reading called
A NEW EARTH by ECKART TOLLE.  I am watching their on line class and i am getting ready to hear tomorrow nights talk.


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