so, i went for a beautiful hill and forest walk, one of my favorite walks with one of my favorite women in my life.
after the walk/talk we went and got large bags of fresh ORANGES, LIMES, MEYER LEMONS and GRAPEFRUITS right up the road from a local farmer who grows them organically. the price is outragous....guess how much? LARGE oranges are 8 for a dollar, limes are 8 for 25 cents, meyer lemons are 6 for 25 cents and i can't remember what the grapefruit. we felt RICH in CITRUS TODAY!!! amazing how having fresh ORGANIC PRODUCE can make a girl FEEL SO GOOD! i told rich last night that the way to my heart these days is easy (truely) just bring me a coconut!!! or 4 or 5 or even a case would be great! ha haha!!
well after the CITRUS adventure we desided to go by the place that bought my totaled car back in November. we pulled up right next to it and i didn't even recognize's been restored and the guy did such an amazing job that i thought that it was a new car and not mine at all. he told me that i might be able to buy it back. the might that stands in the way will get worked out my the universal forces. if it is meant to be mine again it will come back to me, if not then i am sure to find another car that is meant for me. i am just happy to see it repaired.
once renee dropped me back off at my house i had a laugh keeping up with myself!!! i completed one task after another! i cleaned out so many areas of my house, did laundry, made a new batch of komucha (by the way, GREEN TEA & HONEY DOES MAKE GREAT KOMBUCHA!!!), i played outside in the garden & cleaned up all around my house outside, planted snap dragons, dandy lion seeds & baby kale, caught up on many podcasts while doing all the above & drank all of my GREEN JUICES TODAY!!! PLUS 3 QUARTS OF WATER!! Tonight i kept the momentum going and caught up on the juice feasting reading & blog & videos by David & Katrina, the creators of JUICE
last night i did some work on the website and prepared myself for teaching a class March 29th. this will be my FIRST LIVE FOOD CLASS and i am really ready to begin this here in Cambria.
i am full of gratitude today for things becoming SO EXTREMELY CLEAR to me. i feel like a CLEAR CHANNEL. the dreams that have been coming to me EVERY NIGHT are so amazing...i am having so much fun while i sleep i am grateful for that as well.
i feel that this juice feast & going to Living Light were the two best gifts i could possiblely given to myself right now.
i have to end this for tonight!
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