Wednesday, February 6, 2008

February the 6th is the New Moon in Aquarius - time for radical change,  and this gorgeous occasion comes with a partial solar eclipse -  how blessed we are ;) Here’s a few words from Ms. Miller’s report for this moon:
“Aquarius is often thought of as visionary: an energy that looks beyond the norm, questions accepted truths, boldly claims originality, flies in the face of reason; and flatly refuses to blindly follow the dictates of others.
The annular solar eclipse will add a bit of heightened energy to this New Moon. Partial phases of the eclipse will be visible primarily from eastern Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific. For more information on the eclipse go to NASA’s Eclipse homepage.....
The Aquarius New Moon asks each of us to awaken to the reality of our lives. To see it as it truly is (no rose colored glasses allowed) and then envision a better life; one free of old rules and restrictions that reflect your “I can’ts, I won’ts, I’m unable, and I’m scared”. This is a truth or dare New Moon. Recognize your present circumstances and then dare to vision beyond them, past the boundaries of the known into the unknown.
Aquarius is all about the “power of one” to change the circumstances of the many... Aquarian success comes from connecting to the needs of your generation and making your life a testament to upliftment.
The Aquarius New Moon is all about individuation and freethinking. It is a time to get free of self-imposed restrictions and think out of the box.
Think about how you can become a force for change at your workplace, in your neighborhood, and at home. Change is good! So this New Moon, commit to changing your life and you will change the world.
Ride the wave of this mind-altering, life-altering New Moon Cycle.”

....this reading excited me and sparked my interest tonight.  as we had a little circle here at the inn to acknowledge the Moon and speak of our intentions and discuss that which we had in common.  i voiced that it is POWERFUL that i am here right now at Living Light having this experience with raw food pioneers that are on the same wavelength as i right now.  we are changing the world by changing our lives, influencing those around us, treating the enviroment with respect and most importantly the way we treat ourselves.

i am really feeling in harmony with myself right now.  even though i have unresolved things that are still open and not knowing ~ i am feeling some peace surrounding my world and i like it.  things that would otherwise bring me down to depression or self destructive behaviors really pass quickly in my mind.  the thoughts aren't getting stuck or dwelled upon.  i have them and they pass and i notice beauty and so it goes on and on.

i forgot how amazing it feels to be eating raw food until now.  it's been 20 days tomorrow of 100% organic raw food.  i plan to stick with following this path of organic rawness once i leave Living Light, which is approaching too soon.  i know for sure that i do not want anymore dairy in my body that is clear for me right now.

well, i have to end this for tonight i am getting so sleepy.

side note...Jack Johnson's new album is released today.

Much LOVE & Happiness & All the Joy Possible!

Look for the Rainbows


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