Monday, January 28, 2008

a room with a view

This is the view from my bedroom window, taken around 730 this morning.  off in the distance there is the sea.  the sun is wanting to break out from the long hard night of rain and hail.  you can see the hail on the roof of the house next door.  the air smells so fresh and clean.  i really love the room i am in, my two roommates are so great too.  one, angela is from hawaii and she is supper mellow like me and i love hearing her speak about hawaii and her smile is so refreshing.  the other roommate just joined us for the chef's training that began today.  her name is helen and she is from costa rico.  i just finished looking at her beautiful pictures of her property that she has there.  she is a very strong, independent goddess like woman.  like angella, her smile is striking.  

our first day of chef's training was today.  we were given our wonderful green smoothies & e3 live and green juice for snack.  our training began with writing an introduction of ourselves that relates to raw food.  then we formed new teams and began our hands on demos for the day.  we made SO MANY delicious dishes today.  i tried to upload the pictures and gave up.  you can find them on my space soon.

i have to end this and get to the homework and studying for tomorrow.

much love to YOU!

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