Monday, April 7, 2008

Juice Feasting Day 38!!!

just cruzing right along in juice feasting land.  loving every minute of this journey.

to tell the truth i have had the experiences of cravings come and go, energy levels go up & down and for the most part things feel amazingly balanced.  does that make sense?

the past two weeks produce has been coming to me from LOCAL ORGANIC GROWERS. meyer lemon season is coming to a close, along with the oranges i have been getting up the hill.  it's okay because all the beautiful berries are on their way!!!

the dehydrator here has been getting a workout!  making food for others while juice feasting is such a joy!  i made savory flax crackers, sweet bread and live fudge. they tell me anyway.

well, this is pretty much it for me checking in to blog land tonight.  i am ready for b-e-d!

much LOVE

1 comment:

Penni said...

Hi Brandie....
I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say hi! I know people read my blog, but most don't comment,so I thought you should know I've enjoyed hearing your stories and it's great to find yet another global juice feaster out there!!
Keep up the great work!
Penni in Tulsa