Monday, April 14, 2008

Juice Feasting Day 45!!!

i have to be honest here.  and that's why i blog.  i have been on an emotional roller coaster of a ride.  lovin the ups and not so content with the downs.  the mind along the way has been enjoying the ride.  something to feed off of.

half way through the feast and i am still in Love with the joys of juice. there is just so much EMOTIONAL DETOX happening through out this process that it is a challenge holding on.

for instance wednesday through friday i was OFF from work and able to really pay attention to myself.  really in great spirits throughout with touches of grey clouds.  it was the anxiety & anxiousness that really threw me off into a zone i resisted.  i felt like running away a lot.  breathed & did some exercise instead and still resisted some.  (I LOVE EXERCISE)

then more waves of anxiety showed up throughout friday pretty heavy.  i passed through it with my honey by my side loving me all the way.  we went to the ocean and laid out in the sunshine, then farmers market then a nice long bike ride.  at the end of the day it was still there and very present.  i decided to to an enema...and there it went....all the anxiety i had been feeling that day left suddenly down the toilet!  what a relief!  

i decided to blog about this experience because i think someone else might be able to benefit from knowing some things about taking care of our own health and well-being.  WE CAN BE IN CHARGE OF OUR OWN BODIES.....THERE IS ANOTHER WAY THAT THE DOCTORS DON"T TELL US ABOUT!  as soon as the enema was over i felt inside that i just let go of all the anxiety i had been suppressing for years with zanax & valium & food & other drugs.

so anyway, that's the big detox story for this week.  

physical detox -  i have had a rash on my elbows and select other parts of my body.  that i believe is coming from candida.  something i know i need to work with.  same rash i had at Living Light!

the picture above is me SO HAPPY to be drinking the orange spirulina bee pollen juice i have once a day.  that is the juice that i have the mixed feelings about.  that's the juice that might be pulling me back to candida-land.  

having all green juices for a while would be a dream come true and that is really what i desire.  at the same time the candida screams SO LOUDLY THAT IT WANTS THE SUGAR JUICE & I HAD BETTER FEED IT NOW!!!  i feel stuck in the middle.

the back pain & toe pain has gone away.

the past week i have pretty much juiced ALL LOCAL PRODUCE!  that feels great!

i am SO GRATEFUL for all of the AMAZING FRIENDS & FAMILY in my life that have supported me through this juicy journey.   making my juice with me when i am in a hurry, listening to me getting all the garbage out, just being there when i need support the most is the greatest gift.  thank you so much & i LOVE YOU!  

time to end this!

thanks for reading!


Penni said...

Hi Brandie!

I feel like we're soul sisters after reading your bog! I too get a weird spotty rash that I believe is Candida related. I mainly have it on my legs, abdomen and now a patch on my arm. AT first it almost looks like a burn or blister, then flattens out and stays pink for weeks. So weird.

I am also a believer in the enema! Isn't it amazing how releasing that stuff lightens a person's energy field?

Today is the half way date for those going the full 92 days. VEry exciting, indeed!

All the Best...

BrandieLand said...

thanks for the comments penni! it's an exciting journey and it's SO comforting to know there are others out there going through this process too!!!
Much Love to YOU!