Saturday, May 31, 2008

Juice Feasting Day 91!!!

(This is one of the best pictures of myself while juice feasting.  i remember this morning clearly)

What a journey this 91 days has been.  if you ask me now, it went by fast.  the last month especially.  yesterday i ate soaked prunes + a hand full of dates as well as the usual 4 quarts of green juice.  i couldn't help myself at farmer's market.  i have a bowl of apricots waiting me today with fresh, local, organic blue berries.  tomorrow i will be making a cucumber, tomato and basil salad.  i am ready to move onto chewing and delighting in avocado, sprouts and the SWEET SWEET SPINACH!!!  SAUERKRAUT is at the top of that list as well!!!

The biggest challenge of the juice feast for me as been gearing up to juice everyday.  once i get into the flow - NO PROBLEM, it's just the "before juicing procrastination" that sometimes lasts for hours on some days.  what is that juice resistance about anyway?  i haven't pin pointed that out yet!

Another challenge for me was not tasting too much food while making food for others.  especially the last 30 days that i have been more into making LIVE VEGAN food for others, there is a part of me that really wanted to experience what they are tasting and allowed myself that tiniest bite, feeling it all the way down my system and through my energy as well.  which is an important lesson for me as well.  i feel that effect specifically with dehydrated foods.  lower energy and a feeling of heaviness.

the last 30 days for me have been really full filling and that appears to me to be where everything came together.  90 days of JUICE FEASTING are perfect, with the last two as a sort of play day along with the four quarts of GREENS!!!

i will take MANY of the Juice Feasting habits with me - the morning msm/lemon/water in the quart jar every morning when i wake, skin/tongue brushing, GREEN JUICE, all the stretching & exercise, journaling/blogging, taking time to lay in the sun, colonics/enemas, and over all just being the BEST i can possibly to myself!

i woke up really excited this morning and hopeful!!!

On the heels of the 92 day JUICE FEAST i am moving onto another phase of my life.  today i will be putting the last of the things in my house into boxes and moving them into storage tomorrow.  


well this is all i have right now.  i feel like i need to get moving along!


Monday, May 12, 2008

Juice Feasting Day 73!!!

Breaking through today.  the past two weeks have been very much about my younger years.  healing from my parents divorce that happened when i was 13-14, relationships i had in my teens and a ton of emotion that was suppressed for WAY TOO LONG.  i found myself quite a few times the past week acting out those emotions.  

this weekend i was at a woman's retreat and really had a chance to be quite and nurture myself and that's just what i did.  as well as had a letting go ceremony, made a vision board, took a long walk on the beach, made lots of yummy live food for everyone (JUICY JUICE FOR ME), hoola hooped, learned new moves, rebounded, made some soy candles, and really connected with a plant named peperoni presence just to say a few things.  the other 6 women were joys to be with too.  all in all it was a restful weekend.  it had a wonderful ending with my honey bringing me coconuts, melon and LOADS of LOVE!!!  ah, yum yum!

then there is the break threw i felt come on this afternoon while i was out for a walk.  while clearing my head a sense of surrender and peace came over me and a thought passed through my mind that i was through the tough emotional stuff i had been processing the past two weeks.  after that, freedom filled my being.

i am FREE in the world now to create whatever i want.  today is the first monday of the new business adventure with debbie.  i planned menus, shopping lists, worked on the website and emails and phone calls.  i walked for two hours, went to nia to DANCE & PLAY.  and the funnest of all i played in the kitchen tonight making live food for a friend who is leaving for a trip.  

i am SO EXCITED about this new stuff happening in my life right now.  so GRATEFUL for all the blessings in my life!

this is it for me tonight i am so tired and ready to tuck myself in.  i have a busy day planned for myself.  more of the same!  i am soooo lucky!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Juice Feasting Day 64!!!

(the whites of my eyes are SOOOO EXTREMELY WHITE)
a whole week just zoomed by.  juice feasting is going GREAT!!!  earlier in the week i had a moment of insanity that i journaled about already in my personal book.  i made it through and everything is back on track.
the typical morning is pretty much like this....wake up around 7ish, go out for a walk, come home and make juice....3 quarts of green (lemon, lime, garlic, ginger, cucumber, celery, kale, swiss chard, cilantro, basil and dandelion)  always adding Vita-Mineral Greens, Spirulina, kelp, cayenne and hemp oil.  then one or two quarts of orange and sometimes adding pineapple with bee pollen and cinnamon.  sometimes i add spirulina to that one too.  so that juice making is pretty routine.  i take b12 and e3 live, just started Brain On.  i will begin the parasite cleanse as soon as the store gets it in.  after spend about an hour and half making the days juice i either go to work or work around the house.  i have been REALLY ENJOYING my FREE TIME TO PLAY WHATEVER I WANT!!!  
the scale read 148 the other day!!!  that is 20lbs i have lost on this juice feast.  i know i have been building extra muscle too.  i can notice a HUGE DIFFERENCE IN THE WAY MY BODY LOOKS AND FEELS AND I LOVE THAT!!!
i feel that the cleansing part of the feast is over and i am onto the rebuilding phase.  
my last day of work is TUESDAY.  YEAH!!!    i am planning to do a few days of just water coming up.  i plan to take a rest at home and really go inward and feel how that feels.
well, this is it for tonight. 
up early tomorrow for a walk!